Be you Concept


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For further information:

Complete service experience

Manicured Hands with Vitiligo









Massage & Therapies

Black woman touching silky skin on her legs



Beautiful black girl touching her velvet skin on neck


your true potential

Be You Concept was born from the dream of transforming the vision we have of ourselves, enhancing our beauty, recognizing our strengths, and improving those that bother us.

Our goal is to take care of both your external and internal beauty, because in order to reveal our true potential, we must maintain balance and care for our sacred body and spirit.

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Close-up of fair-skinned and dark-skinned hands clenched together


When empathy is practiced, understanding the other person's needs happens naturally. That's why we incorporate it into every procedure we perform, allowing us to glimpse their needs.

Holding Hands


Trust is crucial for achieving a state of total relaxation in both body and mind. This is why we prioritize building trust between our professionals and clients, in addition to delivering what we always promise.

Person Holding Brown Glass Bottle


Sustainability is a choice everybody can make to live in a healthier world and body. At Be You Concept, we choose to use our own formulated and organic products which are produced transparently. This allows our clients to receive healthier stimuli without negatively impacting the environment.

The founder

Thuane Reis, founder of Be You Concept, is a 27-year-old Brazilian who has been working in the beauty industry for 9 years. She has extensive experience in cosmetology, skincare, makeup, and perfumery thanks to her career as a Sales Director at a multinational cosmetics company.

In 2018, she moved to Portugal and started her career in the field of aesthetics as a specialist in Nails Design, Eyebrow Design, Massage Therapy, and Laser Hair Removal Technique.

Currently, she has estense experience in the field and offers various services, standing out for her continuous study in face-to-face and online courses, including a training in the ancient and powerful technique of Thai massage. Thuane lived this experience and learned directly from the master, monk, and renowned professional Mr. PP, at his school in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

With Be You Concept, Thuane not only dreamed, but also envisioned a space to help you find your essence through beauty and wellness.

What our clients say…

I was looking for a clinic to do laser hair removal and found Thus2estetica, and from the first contact I was enchanted with the excellent service.

Regarding the laser, I am on my second session and I already notice a huge difference. The result since the first session was surprising, as practically no hair grew back. I am very satisfied and happy. I highly recommend Thuane, as she is an excellent professional, polite, friendly and above all, highly qualified.

Thank you for all the dedication you have for your clients.

Andréa Martins

Thuane is a customer-focused professional.

She is meticulous, first evaluated my skin and was always concerned about the sensation I was having with the products and techniques applied. This professional will definitely be recommended by word of mouth.

I am very happy with the results. You must visit.

Felipe Marques

Thuane is a beautiful soul with amazing skill in her craft!

She was so kind to reply so quickly to me when my now fiancée proposed and I needed an appointment the next morning to make my nails ready for the special photo with the ring.

She made room in her schedule for me to come in and did an amazing job. We had such lovely conversation as well. I was also very thankful for the coffee and cookies she provided because I did not even have time for breakfast before the appointment. 😅

I highly recommend Thuane for any of her services as I can assure you will be happy and satisfied with the experience.

Yoga with Rachel


Man Checking Face for Pimple

Keep in Touch

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Business Hours

Monday to Saturday: 10AM - 7PM

Sunday: closed

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Rua Engenheiro Dom Antônio Castelo Branco, 186A, 2750-154, Cascais | 933 012 308 |